One Human Community And Naked Juice Share 2015 Christmas Spirit With Less Fortunate Residents Of SFV
On Friday, December 11th 2015, One Human Community was joined by Naked Juice in its effort to share Christmas spirit with the less fortunate residents of San Fernando Valley.

Every year since 2011, One Human Community holds a Christmas giveaway of free toys – and more recently, free warm clothing – before Xmas. There is Christmas mood, Xmas music, sugar canes and candy and most importantly free toys for good girls and boys. (The parents are welcomed to free warm clothing.)

Most often, One Human Community holds the Christmas giveaway without outside support and every year the Christmas event is a joyous experience for all who participate. This year, we’ve been honored by the support of Naked Juice and it was a blessing especially when we encountered – for the first time! – a serious problem: there were more boys in need of Christmas gifts than gifts for boys!
We were about to panic when Ryan (Santa’s helper and a part of the Naked Juice grassroots LA Tour) stepped in with the fantastic and healthful Naked Juice’s drinks, cute shoelaces, t-shirts and lip balm! No boy was left empty-handed in spite of the toy shortage: THANK YOU Ryan and thank you Naked Juice!!!
Thanks to the combined efforts of One Human Community and Naked Juice, there are more people in San Fernando Valley this holiday season who are warm; more children whose wish for a gift from Santa came true and more spirits lifted because they experienced the sense of belonging to a community that cares.
Seasons change. One Human Community’s commitment to relieving poverty in SFV is unwavering all-year long. Naked Juice’s commitment to environmental sustainability and our health (Naked Juice’s fruit and vegetable juices are sugar and preservatives-FREE!) is steadfast as well. Having teamed up for a good cause to benefit our community was an experience that enriched us all!

One Human Community extends its thanks to Naked Juice and the wonderful Ryan PLUS very Special Thanks to Lazelle: Naked Juice is good for the body, you are good for the soul: God Bless you! (It is thanks to you that no one walked away empty-handed from our 2015 Free Toys and Warm Clothing giveaway!)
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Peace on Earth!